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Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Hats Off To Barry

B. Thomas Cooper - Editor

Congratulations to Barry
and his unparalleled career. Let there be no doubt, we will not see another like Barry during our lifetimes. He is truly deserving of the accolades he is finally receiving after so many impressive years. There should no longer be questions as to whether Barry deserves to be in the Hall of Fame.

Yes, Barry Manilow is one of a kind. Congratulations, Barry… we’re all very proud of you.


B. Thomas Cooper - Editor


Anonymous said...

Right on! Those of use who have followed Barry and his career for over 30 years, knew the rest of the world would eventually see what we saw all along!

Anonymous said...

As both a Barry Manilow and MLB fan... I really appreciate this post!
Of the two Barrys, Manilow is the only one deserving of any accolades he gets (which sadly have been far too few and in between). Bonds should hang his head in shame... and the great Hank Aaron who did it first, without "assistance", is still the King in my book!

redcat said...

THANK YOU, Mr. Cooper. I know which of the two Barrys I believe deserves the credit and fact, I'm catching a flight to Vegas tomorrow.

