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Friday, June 22, 2007

The Dewey Decimal Classification

B. Thomas Cooper - Editor

I have reached the point where I can no longer manage my massive book collection without relying on the Dewey Decimal Classification system. I realize this may sound impressive, (I’m impressed) but in reality it is presenting a slew of problems. For instance, it is becoming harder and harder to find the book I’m looking for. I am having nightmares about stacks of angry books rising up against me. Then again, perhaps I’m not but I suppose you get the point.

B. Thomas Cooper

Just out of curiosity (yours, not mine) other than the public library, when was the last time you recall having even thought about the Dewey Decimal System? Now that I am a fully up-armored, home schooled librarian I guess I think about it more than I’d like to admit. So then I suppose you think it ain’t that hard to organize a few hundred books. My response…

Did you know some of the Dewey Decimal Classification notation is in Arabic? What in the world! I’m not promising I’m ever going to get any of this done, mind you. I’ve got a great deal of research I need to complete, providing of course, I am able to find the books. I’ll keep you updated. If you need me, I’ll be in over in 132.00. (DDC)

B. Thomas Cooper - Editor

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